Brandon Nuckols

Brandon Nuckols


Frederick, Maryland
  • 6 Tavsiye
  • 82 Takipçiler
  • 105 Takip Edilen
  • 2 Liste
Brandon'ın şu şehirdeki listeleri: Tüm Şehirler
  • Baltimore
  • Silver Spring
  • Frederick
  • Tüm Şehirler
Brandon Kullanıcısının En Çok Beğendiği Şehirler
2 Tavsiyeler
Silver Spring
1 Tavsiye
2 Tavsiyeler
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Brandon Nuckols
0 mekan güncellendi
0 mekan
Brandon Nuckols
3 mekan güncellendi
3 mekan Golden West Cafe, Zen West Roadside Cantina, Bushwaller's dahil
    "In line for Otakon!? Try killing yourself!"
    Brandon NuckolsBrandon Nuckols · Ağustos 8, 2014
    Kongre Merkezi
    · Baltimore, ABD
    "Lets face it, I'm a bit of a slut when it comes to Tex-Mex Restaurants. I've been around the "burrito block" from MD to Cali if ya know what I mean. This. Place. Is. The. Best."
    Brandon NuckolsBrandon Nuckols · Ocak 13, 2012
    · Baltimore, ABD
    "Delicious cupcakes, really know how to throw a good rager. Was forced to watch Star Wars on TV from the middle of the movie when I was quite certain there was a DVD laying around... I give it a 4.8/5"
    Brandon NuckolsBrandon Nuckols · Mart 24, 2011
    Ev (kişisel)
    · Silver Spring, ABD
    "I can imagine that this is the kind of comic book shop Jesus would shop in. Quite simply the Tardis of comic book shops. Magic the Gathering Tournaments plus newest issues of The Guild for the win."
    Brandon NuckolsBrandon Nuckols · Mart 24, 2011
    Çizgi Roman Mağazası
    · Frederick, ABD
    "One of the few Frederick Bars not adorned by Christmas lights & Yuppies. Ultra cheap Guinness on Wed. Better chances of a good band performing here on a Sat night than anywhere else downtown."
    Brandon NuckolsBrandon Nuckols · Mart 24, 2011
    · Frederick, ABD
    "Greatest farm on Earth. Oma and Opa are the sweetest most caring hardworking people in the world but do not come uninvited... they shoot anyone who isn't a Nuckols or a Crawford on site."
    Brandon NuckolsBrandon Nuckols · Mart 24, 2011
    · Boyds, ABD