MimPi samPai Ke BintanG is one of Spell.

1. MimPi samPai Ke BintanG

Kale · 13 tavsiye ve inceleme

©u¶¢∆Ke$ .©u¶¢∆Ke$ 🍰🍭🍬: Perfect life..fav ♥♥

2. Dalam Mulut Naga

Volkan · 2 tavsiye ve inceleme

Ketuapenjahat88Ketuapenjahat88: Loving someone doesn't need a reason. If u can explain why u love someone, it's called "LIKE" and if u cannot explain, its simply called "LOVE " ❤❤

4. Social Club

Klostergade 34, Aarhus C, Region Midtjylland
Gece Kulübü · Latinerkvarteret · 4 tavsiye ve inceleme

Yusri EchmanYusri Echman: A relationship without trust is like having a phone with no service. And what do you do with a phone with no service ? You Play Games !!!