Piazza Trinità dei Monti 17 (Piazza di Spagna), Roma, Lazio
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · Campo Marzio · 303 tavsiye ve inceleme
Roma: he monumental stairway of 138 steps was built with French diplomat Étienne Gueffier’s bequeathed funds of 20000 scudi in 1723–1725, linking the Bourbon Spanish Embassy and the Trinità dei Monti church
Piazza del Colosseo (Via dei Fori Imperiali), Roma, Lazio
Tarihi ve Koruma Altındaki Alan · 1816 tavsiye ve inceleme
Roma: Vespasian began building the Colosseum - which has hosted gory battles between combinations of gladiators, slaves, prisoners and wild animals of all descriptions.