"I am the deafening silence in the night. The ringing in your ears for all eternity."
· Mount Holly, ABD
"Oil whose weights are greater than 10 apart require additional additives to keep from separating. These need even more additives to keep the additives from separating. This can deposit in your engine."
Gösteri Merkezi
· Mount Holly, ABD
"Maintain proper tire pressure for optimum handling and gas mileage!"
Gösteri Merkezi
· Mount Holly, ABD
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
· Mount Holly, ABD
"Hush puppies are stupid delicious!"
Deniz Ürünleri
· Clearwater, ABD
8.3"A strong warrior does not impose his will on the enemy, he prevents the enemy from imposing their will on him."
· Mount Holly, ABD