Important Reminder:Foursquare City Guide uygulaması 15 Aralık 2024 tarihinde resmen sona erdi ve bunu takiben web sürümü de 2025 yılının başlarında sona erecek. Ancak check-in yolculuğun burada bitmiyor! Bize yeni maceraların beklediği Swarm'da katıl.
What a great day to visit #WhalesofIceland and relax with a free cup of coffee with admission! Where else can you enjoy delicious Kaffitár coffee and pastries under the watchful eye of a Blue Whale?
Wale und Delfine als 1:1 Modell, die sich schwebend (wie schwimmend) und im Blauhalbdunkelm über einem 'bewegen'. Barten zum Anfassen und nicht hinter Glas! Kurzweilige 2-Minuten Videos zu jedem Tier!
A great exhibition about whales. It is amazing how big they are in reality, hard to grasp. Entrance fee is quite sharp with 25 Euros, but that is Reykjavik.