Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar
The Firkin & Flyer is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

1. The Firkin & Flyer

Concourse C (BWI Airport), Baltimore, MD
İngiliz Restoranı · 8 tavsiye ve inceleme
The Shops at Liberty Place is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

2. The Shops at Liberty Place

1625 Chestnut St (at 16th St), Philadelphia, PA
Alışveriş Merkezi · Center City West · 36 tavsiye ve inceleme
Hershey Harrisburg Regional Visitors Bureau (HHRVB) is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

3. Hershey Harrisburg Regional Visitors Bureau (HHRVB)

3211 North Front Stree (Lewis), Harrisburg, PA
Seyahat ve Ulaşım · Uptown · 13 tavsiye ve inceleme

visitPAvisitPA: Welcome to the state capital! Stop here to learn about our history & heritage, fun things to do and yes, kiss-worthy chocolate. Daha fazlasını oku.

4. Primo Italiano

33 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD
İtalyan Restoranı · Town Square · 4 tavsiye ve inceleme

- B.- Bossi: Service is varied... sometimes good; sometimes bad. But the food has always been consistently amazing. Good lunch specials.

Komi is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

5. Komi

1509 17th St NW (btwn P & Q St NW), Washington, D.C.
Yunan Restoranı · Northwest Washington · 43 tavsiye ve inceleme

Bon Appetit MagazineBon Appetit Magazine: The tasting menu at arguably the best restaurant in the District always includes a selection of beautiful pastas. Our top choice? Chef Johnny Monis's spaghetti with crab and sea urchin. Daha fazlasını oku.

Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

6. Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters

300 E St SW (btwn 3rd & 4th St SW), Washington, D.C.
Devlet Binası · Southwest Employment Area · 33 tavsiye ve inceleme

NASANASA: In the lobby, see a replica of the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physics that NASA Astrophysicist Dr. John Mather received for his work understanding the Big Bang. Daha fazlasını oku.

Westminster Hall And Burial Ground is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

7. Westminster Hall And Burial Ground

519 W Fayette St (at S Greene St.), Baltimore, MD
Mezarlık · University of MD at Baltimore · 8 tavsiye ve inceleme

HISTORYHISTORY: The graveyard was established in 1786 and is probably most famous as the burial site of Edgar Allan Poe. The complex was declared a national historic district in 1974.

8. Bistro Français

3124 M St NW (at Wisconsin Ave.), Washington, D.C.
Fransız Restoranı · Georgetown · 30 tavsiye ve inceleme

BravoBravo: “Bistro Francais” – a classic in Georgetown, with always a warm welcome by the Maitre’D & outstanding cuisine. The window seats are great for people watching. -Michaele Salahi, Real Housewives of DC

Lincoln Diner is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

9. Lincoln Diner

32 Carlisle St (W Railroad St), Gettysburg, PA
Diner · 45 tavsiye ve inceleme

visitPAvisitPA: You won’t find the Gettysburg Address on the napkins but you may find everything else on the menu. Also key: this spot is 24/7. Daha fazlasını oku.

Sei is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

10. Sei

444 7th St NW (at E St NW), Washington, D.C.
Suşi Restoranı · Penn Quarter · 101 tavsiye ve inceleme

BravoBravo: Incredible sushi. -Mary Schmidt Amons, Real Housewives of DC

Michel Richard Citronelle is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

11. Michel Richard Citronelle

3000 M St NW (at M St), Washington, D.C.
Fransız Restoranı · Georgetown · 23 tavsiye ve inceleme

BravoBravo: Chef Michele Richard is the most innovative chef of the decade. -Timothy Dean, Top Chef

Fado Irish Pub is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

12. Fado Irish Pub

808 7th St. NW (btwn H & I Sts. NW), Washington, D.C.
İrlanda Pubı · Chinatown · 97 tavsiye ve inceleme

BBC AMERICABBC AMERICA: 6 Nations Rugby Championship matches are shown here. There is a great community of rugby and soccer fans at this pub. Kitchen opens early. Daha fazlasını oku.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

13. Thomas Jefferson Memorial

16 E Basin Dr SW (at Ohio Dr SW), Washington, D.C.
Anıt · Southwest Washington · 143 tavsiye ve inceleme

HISTORYHISTORY: President Roosevelt asked the Commission of Fine Arts about the possibility of erecting a memorial to Thomas Jefferson. Construction went from 1938-43, & Roosevelt laid the first cornerstone himself.

National Museum of Crime & Punishment is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

14. National Museum of Crime & Punishment

575 7th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Müze · Penn Quarter · 58 tavsiye ve inceleme

HISTORYHISTORY: On April 1 1845, Samuel Morse opened the world's first telegraph office on this location. Messages were sent in a coded alphabet consisting of electronic dots & dashes which became known as Morse Code

Birch & Barley is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

16. Birch & Barley

1337 14th St NW (at Rhode Island Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Amerikan Restoranı · Logan Circle - Shaw · 104 tavsiye ve inceleme

Bon Appetit MagazineBon Appetit Magazine: At this beer-themed restaurant, Tiffany MacIssac's menu of sweet treats reads like the 7-Eleven snack aisle of our dreams—"Hostess" cupcake, oatmeal cream pie. Must order: cashew "Snickers" bar. Daha fazlasını oku.

Columbia Room is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

17. Columbia Room

1021 7th St NW (Between New York Ave. & L Street NW), Washington, D.C.
Kokteyl Barı · Mount Vernon Square · 24 tavsiye ve inceleme

Bon Appetit MagazineBon Appetit Magazine: There's a world of warm cocktails beyond the hot toddy - order the Scotch Whiskey Skin created by Derek Brown. Its the best hot drink on the menu! Click More Info for the full recipe. Daha fazlasını oku.

Italian Market is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

18. Italian Market

900 S 9th St, Philadelphia, PA
Semt Pazarı · Bella Vista - Southwark · 54 tavsiye ve inceleme

visitPAvisitPA: Easy there Italian Stallion. Balboa hasn’t run these streets in a while. Head over to DiBruno’s or Claudio’s and eat some cheese. Daha fazlasını oku.

Zaytinya is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

19. Zaytinya

701 9th St NW (at G St. NW), Washington, D.C.
Akdeniz Restoranı · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 410 tavsiye ve inceleme

BravoBravo: Kevin Sbraga loves this place! -Kevin Sbraga, Top Chef

Sleepy Hollow of Gettysburg Candlelight Ghost Tours is one of Kim'in Kaydettiği Mekanlar.

20. Sleepy Hollow of Gettysburg Candlelight Ghost Tours

401 Buford Ave, Gettysburg, PA
Sanat ve Eğlence · 3 tavsiye ve inceleme

visitPAvisitPA: Ok ghost hunter, hope you’re not easily spooked. Check out the Towne Tour and tell the General’s ghost we said hi. Daha fazlasını oku.