JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee

JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee


Take a look on my channel: youtube.com/spiikey for great coffee tips or search for @jaroslavsl on twitter, instagram and for facebook pages: 365 cups of coffee

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JaroslavSl'in Son Listeleri
JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee
33 mekan güncellendi Ağustos 25, 2024
dobré jídlo a pití s vůní praskajícího dřeva - kam na kamna a krb
JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee
10 mekan güncellendi Temmuz 29, 2016
10 mekan Kolanko No. 6, Coffeece, Mostowa ArtCafé, Sweet Life dahil
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1 mekan güncellendi Ekim 17, 2015
1 mekan Fürth Kaffee dahil
JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee
8 mekan güncellendi Aralık 14, 2013
8 mekan Kafec, Cafe Mitte, Industra, Káva Malena dahil
JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee
24 mekan güncellendi Temmuz 24, 2022
I don't like tourist guides, they are only paid advertising. This is some of my favorite places around Prague, from native gourmet guy. Enjoy:)
JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee
40 mekan güncellendi Mart 4, 2014
40 mekan Deserterie, Bakeshop, Lajka, Bajkazyl dahil
    JaroslavSl'nin Son Tavsiyeleri
    "Skvělý pivo, moc dobré jídlo ( na denním menu byl Jelení guláš, dry aged steaky, burgery, losos, chobotnice prostě wow) porce, že jsem tak tak dojedl. Servis milý a informovaný o pivech. Fajn místo 👌"
    JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffeeJaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee · Ağustos 25, 2024
    Bira Fabrikası
    · Klobuky, Çek Cumhuriyeti
    "specialty coffee Candycane, homemade pastry, brunches, cozy place"
    JaroslavSl 365 cups of coffeeJaroslavSl 365 cups of coffee · Ağustos 6, 2023
    · Slavičín, Çek Cumhuriyeti
    "Jedno z nejoblíbenějších pho places, za 130 vočí nejvíc chuti a kvality. A nakupte v obchodě dobroty, minimálně čínskou pažitku!"
    · Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti
    "tasty take away option if you are in hurry in Karlin district, brunch, breakfast, lunch menu and specialty coffee"
    · Praha 8, Çek Cumhuriyeti
    "popup of czech designers and craft street food"
    · Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti
    "Local specialty coffee on espresso or filtered coffee, daily yummy pastry. Cute baristas! What else you need? Hot dog? Yes they will have it too in next months 😏"
    Kahve Dükkanı
    · Milovice, Çek Cumhuriyeti