3 mekan güncellendi Ağustos 6, 2014
3 mekan Caribou Coffee, Highland Bakery, The Flying Biscuit Cafe dahil
1 mekan güncellendi Temmuz 6, 2014
1 mekan Keke's Breakfast Cafe dahil
5 mekan güncellendi Haziran 19, 2014
5 mekan The Frosty Frog Pizza & Daiquiri Bar, Old Oyster Factory, CoCo's Sunset Grille, Sea Shack dahil
1 mekan güncellendi Mayıs 26, 2014
1 mekan Star Fish Company Restaurant and Seafood Market dahil
10 mekan güncellendi Mayıs 30, 2014
10 mekan Karen Carr, Rick's on the River, Hula Bay Club, Eddie and Sam's Pizza dahil
2 mekan güncellendi Nisan 6, 2014
2 mekan Mallory Square, Fort Zachary Taylor State Park Beach dahil